Conference Presentations

Dr Falconer’s Podium Presentations at Conferences include:

  • Does Bioinductive collagen patch augmentation of high grade partial thickness rotator cuff tears improve functional recovery compared to standard arthroscopic cuff repair? A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial. A Wang, TM Falconer, E Ek, P D’Alessandro, J Ebert, W Breidahl. Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 23rd-27th October  2024, Brisbane, Australia

  • Functional and Magnetic Resonance Shoulder Changes in Amateur Long Distance Swimmers - The Rottnest Channel Swim Pilot Study. TM Falconer, P Edwards, N Blackah, S Kehtari, A  Shivanandra & Jay Ebert. Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 23rd-27th October  2024, Brisbane, Australia

  • Post-operative pain control in arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs: A prospective, double-blind, randomised controlled trial comparing interscalene catheters and single shot blocks. D Gamble, JR Ebert, S Shales, B Lawther, TM Falconer. Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 23rd-27th October  2024, Brisbane, Australia

  • Improving post-operative pain control in arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs: A prospective, double- blinded, randomised control trial comparing interscalene catheters and single shot blocks. Preliminary Results. S Shales, J Ebert, B Lawther & T Falconer; NZOA & AOA Combined  Annual Scientific Meeting October 2022, Christchurch, New Zealand

  • Version of the Glenoid and Humerus - Is there a normal value that describes a “combined version” for the shoulder? A CT-based rotational profiling of the glenohumeral joint. E Hockley, L Henderson, C Downham, J Ebert, J Spencer, TM Falconer; 51st Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2021, Perth, Western Australia

  • Anatomical acromio-clavicular joint reconstruction with a suspensory tensionable fixation providing multiplanar stability - A technique discussion & review. R Smith & TM Falconer; 51st Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2021, Perth, Western Australia

  • The bicipital groove as a landmark for humeral version reference during shoulder arthroplasty: a computed tomography study of normal humeral rotation. PJ Dacombe, DJ Young, LS Moulton, MG Prentice, TM Falconer, JMF Spencer; Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 1st-3rd April 2022, Sydney, Australia.

  • Improving post-operative pain control in arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs: A prospective, double- blinded, randomised control trial comparing interscalene catheters and single shot blocks. Preliminary Results. S Shales, J Ebert, B Lawther & T Falconer; 50th Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2021, Bunker Bay, Western Australia.

  • The Bicipital Groove as a Landmark for Humeral Version Reference during Shoulder Arthroplasty – A CT Study of Normal Humeral Rotation. PJ Dacombe, DJ Young, LS Moulton, MG Prentice, TM Falconer, JMF Spencer; British Elbow & Shoulder Society, Virtual Conference, June 2021

  • Minimum two year follow-up of latissimus doors tendon transfer in patients with and without intact subscapularis. Cunningham G, Falconer TM & Campbell P; Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch Scientific Meeting, Perth, Australia, March 2020

  • Indications for Biceps Tenotomy - Instructional Course Lecture. Falconer TM. 7th Malaysian Arthroscopy Society Annual Scientific Meeting; Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 2019

  • Understanding the Mechanics of the Acromioclavicular Joint. Falconer TM. 7th Malaysian Arthroscopy Society Annual Scientific Meeting; Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 2019

  • Emerging Techniques for Dealing with the Massive Cuff Tear: Repair, Augment, Reconstruct or Replace. Falconer TM; 7th Malaysian Arthroscopy Society Annual Scientific Meeting - Lunchtime Laboratory & Lecture on Innovation in Orthopaedics,  Putrajaya, Malaysia, Oct 2019

  • Understanding Shoulder Instability - Current Concepts. Falconer TM; 5th Malaysian Arthroscopy Society Annual Scientific Meeting,  Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 2017

  • Subscapularis Repair - Pearls. An Instructional Course Lecture. Falconer TM; 5th Malaysian Arthroscopy Society Annual Scientific Meeting,  Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 2017

  • Contamination of the surgical field with Propionibacterium acnes in primary should arthroplasty. Falconer TM, Baba M, Kruse LM, Donaldson MJ, Smith M, Figtree MC, Hudson BJ, Cass & Young AA; Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 11-14th August 2016, Darwin, Australia.

  • Capitellar replacement for non-reconstructable fractures and malunions. Falconer TM, Dorrestijn O & Hughes J; Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 11-14th August 2016, Darwin, Australia.

  • Contamination of the surgical field with Propionibacterium acnes in primary should arthroplasty. Falconer TM, Baba M, Kruse LM, Donaldson MJ, Smith M, Figtree MC, Hudson BJ, Cass & Young AA; Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2016, Bunker Bay, Western Australia.

  • Capitellar replacement for non-reconstructable fractures and malunions. Falconer TM, Dorrestijn O & Hughes J; Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2016, Bunker Bay, Western Australia.

  • Rate of Propionibacterium acnes in arthritic shoulders undergoing primary total shoulder replacement surgery. Falconer TM, Young A, Cass B, Dorrestjin O & Baba M. Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia; Biannual National Conference, 5th-9th November 2014, Melbourne Australia.

  • ACL Recovery Statistic: A framework for comparing recovery time following ACL reconstruction. Little J, Hille D, Falconer TM, Annear PT; Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2014, Bunker Bay, Western Australia.

  • LARS Augmentation in ACLR. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT; 73rd Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, October 9th 2013, Darwin Australia.

  • Remnant Preserving Double Bundle ACLR: 2 Year Clinical & MRI Outcomes. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT; 73rd Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, October 9th 2013, Darwin Australia.

  • Double bundle ACLR & LARS Augmentation: 2year results of a case-control study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT; 72nd Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, October 7th-11th 2012, Sydney Australia.

  • The Surgical Anatomy of the Piriformis Tendon with paricular reference to Total Hip Replacement. Falconer TM, Roche JJW, Jones C, Khan R & Yates PY; 72nd Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, October 7th-11th 2012, Sydney Australia.

  • Does Pharmacological Thromboprophylaxis Affect Wound Outcomes in Lower Limb Surgery? Falconer TM, Hill C, Headford J, Spasoje S, Wood D, Bulsara M & Yates PJ; 72nd Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, October 7th-11th 2012, Sydney Australia.

  • Double bundle ACLR & LARS Augmentation: 2year results of a case-control study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT; Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting, August 24th-25th, 2012, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia. (Manners-Hill Research Prize – Best Scientific Paper 2012)

  • Validity of the retrospective application of the Oxford Hip & Knee Scores. Falconer TM, Headford J, Edmondston S & Yates PJ. Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting, August 24th-25th, 2012, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia.

  • LARS Augmentation in double bundle ACL reconstruction allows faster return to sport and normal daily activities. 12 month follow up. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. ACL Study Group Meeting; LARS Roadshow, Sydney, Friday 3rd August, 2012, New South Wales Australia.

  • LARS Augmentation in double bundle ACL reconstruction allows faster return to sport and normal daily activities. 12 month follow up. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. ACL Study Group Meeting; LARS Roadshow, Melbourne, Thursday 2nd August, 2012, Victoria Australia.

  • LARS Augmentation in double bundle ACL reconstruction allows faster return to sport and normal daily activities. 12 month follow up. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. ACL Study Group Meeting; LARS Roadshow, Perth, Monday 30th, July 2012, Western Australia.

  • LARS Augmentation in double bundle ACL reconstruction allows faster return to sport and normal daily activities. 12 month follow up. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. ACL Study Group Meeting; 12th-16th February

  • Double Tunnel ACLR with LARS Augmentation – A Case Control Study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT. Combined Australian & New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting, ACL LARS Users Group; 10th-13th October 2011, Rotorua, New Zealand

  • Double Tunnel ACLR with LARS Augmentation – A Case Control Study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT. Combined Australian, New Zealand & South African Knee Society Annual Meeting; 7th-10th October, Queeenstown, New Zealand.

  • Double Tunnel ACLR with LARS Augmentation – A Case Control Study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT. Australian Orthopaedic Association WA Branch Annual Scientific Meeting; 26th-27th August 2011, Bunker Bay, Western Australia

  • Tunnel confluence & stump retention in double bundle ACLR does not lead to adverse clinical outcomes. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. Australian Orthopaedic Association WA Branch Annual Scientific Meeting; 27th-28th August 2010, Perth Western Australia

  • ACL Stump & Notch Tissue can be retained in Double Bundle ACL Reconstruction. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT.. Asia-Pacific Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine; 2nd-4th July 2010, Okinawa, Japan.

  • Double Tunnel ACL Reconstruction with LARS ligament Augmentation – A Pilot Study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. Australian Orthopaedic Association WA Branch Annual Scientific Meeting; 28th-29th August