Conference Presentations
Dr Falconer’s Podium Presentations at Conferences include:
Does Bioinductive collagen patch augmentation of high grade partial thickness rotator cuff tears improve functional recovery compared to standard arthroscopic cuff repair? A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial. A Wang, TM Falconer, E Ek, P D’Alessandro, J Ebert, W Breidahl. Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 23rd-27th October 2024, Brisbane, Australia
Functional and Magnetic Resonance Shoulder Changes in Amateur Long Distance Swimmers - The Rottnest Channel Swim Pilot Study. TM Falconer, P Edwards, N Blackah, S Kehtari, A Shivanandra & Jay Ebert. Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 23rd-27th October 2024, Brisbane, Australia
Post-operative pain control in arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs: A prospective, double-blind, randomised controlled trial comparing interscalene catheters and single shot blocks. D Gamble, JR Ebert, S Shales, B Lawther, TM Falconer. Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 23rd-27th October 2024, Brisbane, Australia
Improving post-operative pain control in arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs: A prospective, double- blinded, randomised control trial comparing interscalene catheters and single shot blocks. Preliminary Results. S Shales, J Ebert, B Lawther & T Falconer; NZOA & AOA Combined Annual Scientific Meeting October 2022, Christchurch, New Zealand
Version of the Glenoid and Humerus - Is there a normal value that describes a “combined version” for the shoulder? A CT-based rotational profiling of the glenohumeral joint. E Hockley, L Henderson, C Downham, J Ebert, J Spencer, TM Falconer; 51st Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2021, Perth, Western Australia
Anatomical acromio-clavicular joint reconstruction with a suspensory tensionable fixation providing multiplanar stability - A technique discussion & review. R Smith & TM Falconer; 51st Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2021, Perth, Western Australia
The bicipital groove as a landmark for humeral version reference during shoulder arthroplasty: a computed tomography study of normal humeral rotation. PJ Dacombe, DJ Young, LS Moulton, MG Prentice, TM Falconer, JMF Spencer; Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 1st-3rd April 2022, Sydney, Australia.
Improving post-operative pain control in arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs: A prospective, double- blinded, randomised control trial comparing interscalene catheters and single shot blocks. Preliminary Results. S Shales, J Ebert, B Lawther & T Falconer; 50th Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2021, Bunker Bay, Western Australia.
The Bicipital Groove as a Landmark for Humeral Version Reference during Shoulder Arthroplasty – A CT Study of Normal Humeral Rotation. PJ Dacombe, DJ Young, LS Moulton, MG Prentice, TM Falconer, JMF Spencer; British Elbow & Shoulder Society, Virtual Conference, June 2021
Minimum two year follow-up of latissimus doors tendon transfer in patients with and without intact subscapularis. Cunningham G, Falconer TM & Campbell P; Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch Scientific Meeting, Perth, Australia, March 2020
Indications for Biceps Tenotomy - Instructional Course Lecture. Falconer TM. 7th Malaysian Arthroscopy Society Annual Scientific Meeting; Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 2019
Understanding the Mechanics of the Acromioclavicular Joint. Falconer TM. 7th Malaysian Arthroscopy Society Annual Scientific Meeting; Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 2019
Emerging Techniques for Dealing with the Massive Cuff Tear: Repair, Augment, Reconstruct or Replace. Falconer TM; 7th Malaysian Arthroscopy Society Annual Scientific Meeting - Lunchtime Laboratory & Lecture on Innovation in Orthopaedics, Putrajaya, Malaysia, Oct 2019
Understanding Shoulder Instability - Current Concepts. Falconer TM; 5th Malaysian Arthroscopy Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 2017
Subscapularis Repair - Pearls. An Instructional Course Lecture. Falconer TM; 5th Malaysian Arthroscopy Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 2017
Contamination of the surgical field with Propionibacterium acnes in primary should arthroplasty. Falconer TM, Baba M, Kruse LM, Donaldson MJ, Smith M, Figtree MC, Hudson BJ, Cass & Young AA; Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 11-14th August 2016, Darwin, Australia.
Capitellar replacement for non-reconstructable fractures and malunions. Falconer TM, Dorrestijn O & Hughes J; Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Biannual National Conference, 11-14th August 2016, Darwin, Australia.
Contamination of the surgical field with Propionibacterium acnes in primary should arthroplasty. Falconer TM, Baba M, Kruse LM, Donaldson MJ, Smith M, Figtree MC, Hudson BJ, Cass & Young AA; Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2016, Bunker Bay, Western Australia.
Capitellar replacement for non-reconstructable fractures and malunions. Falconer TM, Dorrestijn O & Hughes J; Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2016, Bunker Bay, Western Australia.
Rate of Propionibacterium acnes in arthritic shoulders undergoing primary total shoulder replacement surgery. Falconer TM, Young A, Cass B, Dorrestjin O & Baba M. Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia; Biannual National Conference, 5th-9th November 2014, Melbourne Australia.
ACL Recovery Statistic: A framework for comparing recovery time following ACL reconstruction. Little J, Hille D, Falconer TM, Annear PT; Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting August 2014, Bunker Bay, Western Australia.
LARS Augmentation in ACLR. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT; 73rd Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, October 9th 2013, Darwin Australia.
Remnant Preserving Double Bundle ACLR: 2 Year Clinical & MRI Outcomes. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT; 73rd Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, October 9th 2013, Darwin Australia.
Double bundle ACLR & LARS Augmentation: 2year results of a case-control study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT; 72nd Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, October 7th-11th 2012, Sydney Australia.
The Surgical Anatomy of the Piriformis Tendon with paricular reference to Total Hip Replacement. Falconer TM, Roche JJW, Jones C, Khan R & Yates PY; 72nd Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, October 7th-11th 2012, Sydney Australia.
Does Pharmacological Thromboprophylaxis Affect Wound Outcomes in Lower Limb Surgery? Falconer TM, Hill C, Headford J, Spasoje S, Wood D, Bulsara M & Yates PJ; 72nd Australian Orthopaedic Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, October 7th-11th 2012, Sydney Australia.
Double bundle ACLR & LARS Augmentation: 2year results of a case-control study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT; Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting, August 24th-25th, 2012, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia. (Manners-Hill Research Prize – Best Scientific Paper 2012)
Validity of the retrospective application of the Oxford Hip & Knee Scores. Falconer TM, Headford J, Edmondston S & Yates PJ. Australian Orthopaedic Association Western Australian Branch, Annual Scientific Meeting, August 24th-25th, 2012, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia.
LARS Augmentation in double bundle ACL reconstruction allows faster return to sport and normal daily activities. 12 month follow up. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. ACL Study Group Meeting; LARS Roadshow, Sydney, Friday 3rd August, 2012, New South Wales Australia.
LARS Augmentation in double bundle ACL reconstruction allows faster return to sport and normal daily activities. 12 month follow up. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. ACL Study Group Meeting; LARS Roadshow, Melbourne, Thursday 2nd August, 2012, Victoria Australia.
LARS Augmentation in double bundle ACL reconstruction allows faster return to sport and normal daily activities. 12 month follow up. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. ACL Study Group Meeting; LARS Roadshow, Perth, Monday 30th, July 2012, Western Australia.
LARS Augmentation in double bundle ACL reconstruction allows faster return to sport and normal daily activities. 12 month follow up. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. ACL Study Group Meeting; 12th-16th February
Double Tunnel ACLR with LARS Augmentation – A Case Control Study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT. Combined Australian & New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting, ACL LARS Users Group; 10th-13th October 2011, Rotorua, New Zealand
Double Tunnel ACLR with LARS Augmentation – A Case Control Study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT. Combined Australian, New Zealand & South African Knee Society Annual Meeting; 7th-10th October, Queeenstown, New Zealand.
Double Tunnel ACLR with LARS Augmentation – A Case Control Study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W, Tusak L, Pollock J & Annear PT. Australian Orthopaedic Association WA Branch Annual Scientific Meeting; 26th-27th August 2011, Bunker Bay, Western Australia
Tunnel confluence & stump retention in double bundle ACLR does not lead to adverse clinical outcomes. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. Australian Orthopaedic Association WA Branch Annual Scientific Meeting; 27th-28th August 2010, Perth Western Australia
ACL Stump & Notch Tissue can be retained in Double Bundle ACL Reconstruction. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT.. Asia-Pacific Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine; 2nd-4th July 2010, Okinawa, Japan.
Double Tunnel ACL Reconstruction with LARS ligament Augmentation – A Pilot Study. Falconer TM, Breidahl W & Annear PT. Australian Orthopaedic Association WA Branch Annual Scientific Meeting; 28th-29th August