Shoulder Rehab Protocols

Rehabilitation after shoulder surgery is a key component of recovery and plays a crucial role in restoring function, strength, and mobility.

Dr Falconer works closely with you and your physiotherapist to develop a customised rehabilitation plan tailored to the specifics of your surgery and individual needs. Rehabilitation typically begins with gentle range-of-motion exercises the day after surgery, aimed at preventing stiffness and maintaining flexibility in the shoulder joint.

As healing progresses, the rehabilitation protocol will gradually incorporate strengthening exercises to rebuild muscle strength and stability around the shoulder. The intensity and type of exercises will be adjusted over time based on your healing progress and the type of procedure that you have had.

You will normally see the physiotherapists in the hospital before you are discharged, to start you off with gentle exercises for the first 10-14 days. Dr. Falconer will then give you a more detailed outlined of the physiotherapy protocols tailored to your and your procedures which you can give to your regular trusted physiotherapist. If you don’t have a physiotherapy Dr. Falconer and his team can help you find a recommended physiological provider that is convenient for you.