Current Research Projects

“We haven’t failed. We now know a thousand things that won’t work, so we are that much closer to finding what will.”

- Thomas Edison, 1847-1931 Inventor & Researcher 

Dr Falconer’s Current Research Projects

  • Augmentation of large to massive rotator cuff tears with dermal allograft - a single blinded randomised controlled trial

Finalised Research Projects

  • Functional and Magnetic Resonance Shoulder Changes in Amateur Long Distance Swimmers - The Rottnest Channel Swim Pilot Study.

  • Post-operative pain control in arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs: A prospective, double-blind, randomised controlled trial comparing interscalene catheters and single shot blocks.

  • Outcomes of anatomical shoulder replacement with posterior glenoid augmentation - a retrospective cohort series.

  • Radiographic assessment of glenoid inclination in reverse shoulder arthroplasty with and without baseplate full wedge augmentation.